Empowering the Voice of Survivors


EMPOWER™ Technique

Embrace Motivated Peaceful Open Wise Expressive Recognized

The EMPOWER™ Technique offers peer support using a combination of guided meditation, visual journaling, movement, music and energy processing for survivors who feel as though their voice was silenced.

Grounded in holistic practices, this full day intensive that will kick off your healing journey. You will identify, release and reframe old trauma so you can…

  • Embrace your past.
    Embracing our past, truly understanding what we gained from our past traumas, the decisions we made in that moment and how they served us leads us closer to knowing who we are at a deeper level and self-confidence.

  • Grant yourself Motivation to accomplish your big goals by practicing unconditional self-love.
    Being Motivated to accomplish anything, whether it’s being a better person or building the next major corporation, takes a level of commitment to ourselves that can only be carried out by one who loves themselves unconditionally.

  • Feel Peaceful by accepting the difficult situations you’ve lived through.
    Feeling Peaceful requires letting go of anger and resentment – feeling the deep peace that comes with acknowledgement and acceptance of those difficult situations we’ve lived through.

  • Practice Open communication in relationships.
    Open communication in all relationships requires a level of trust and self-acceptance that includes embracing the trauma you experienced.

  • Seek Wisdom from a deeper knowledge of self.
    Wisdom stems from a deep knowledge and understanding of self. From deep wisdom comes confidence and trust in your decision making. It also brings a deeper level of trust in your own intuition leading to a higher level of trust in others.

  • Be Expressive – You deserve to be heard.
    Being Expressive means having the confidence to express yourself in any way you choose. Speaking up for yourself in close relationships, business endeavors or using your creative talents like music, dance, art or public speaking to share your message are all expression of ourselves.

  • Recognize your needs and desires – We can’t feel seen and heard by others if we don’t see and hear ourselves.
    Being Recognized, an expression of approval, is one of the most desired objectives/dreams of sexual assault survivors is feeling seen and heard.

The EMPOWER™ Technique is offered as a kickoff to the from Wounds to Wisdom mentoring program. It is also used in the full day workshops and as a launch for the Expressive Arts Retreats.

Claire O'Leary

About Claire

Claire O'Leary's calling is to Bring Incest to Light.  She is creating a traveling exhibit with other survivors depicting their healing journey through expressive arts in order to empower the voice of incest survivors and educate America on the pervasiveness of incest.

Speaker, Survivors Healing Catalyst and Reiki Master, Claire supports individuals and groups through mentoring and workshops.

Founder of Clear Heart Healing Arts and From Wounds to Wisdom, Claire O'Leary provides a safe haven for women incest survivors to empower their voice. She supports them to release anger, resentment and negative self-talk that comes from old wounds.

As an incest survivor, and after many years of silence herself, Claire understands the devastating effects of silence. It is why she is so passionate about helping others to find their voice.

She guides women in regaining the self-confidence and inner power they need in order to express themselves more clearly and easily (to reclaim their voice), without shame or blame. And without holding on to anger.

She speaks at various local and national events about “Bringing Incest to Light" and "Moving from Wounds to Wisdom“.

You can contact Claire directly at Claire@ClaireOLeary.com or call 303.525.6893